June 2007

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Bub Hub  Business Networking LogoToday BubHub comes out of stealth mode. Techlife readers may recall helping name the business networking group and things going quiet. BubHub springs from the end of inBubbleWrap, a site about business books and growing smarter in business. The leader inBubbleGuy, is stepping down from his post of writing a daily blog about the books and giving them away to readers.

Figures Education 3 by Sanja GjeneroDo you think your Business Networking could be better? BubHub aims to help make it better. I have kicked it off by getting BubHub set up as a Linked In group. (Linked In is a free online business service.) The group setting allows us to begin to network with a few nice bells and whistles. To join the group I need to invite you and for that we need an email address. Click here to fill out your email address to be invited. (If this does not work, add a comment to this post and we will use the email to invite you.) Both people who already have a Linked In account or are those new to Linked In are welcome to join the BubHub Group.

This is just the beginning of BubHub. Our members are some of the smartest, well-read people in business. We want your smarts to help make BubHub even better. Everyone has something unique to contribute, so please consider yourself for a leadership role. It is easy, just add a note to your email sign-up or comment here. We will contact you about joining the leadership team and making your contributions a part of the future of the group. If you just can’t wait, fill free to start commenting some of your ideas below.

This group was started by me, but it will succeed because of you.

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When you take a photo you resign yourself to the fact that you captured the photo at a certain place in both time and space. (Already to deep, just skip to Techlife TV’s video.) Basically you click and shoot capturing at the moment in time and from your angle. Combining photo collages, photo stitching, massive amounts of visual data Blaise Aguera y Arcas recently demoed SeaDragon, a Microsoft Labs project at TED, a conference on new ideas.


Blaise presents the fact that our current interactions with visual data is very limited. He feels the future of data will allow quicker navigation and more complete views. I like the way he shows off an entire Charles Dicken’s novel and is easily able to zoom into a single letter from the whole book. This type of data interaction is clearly what Professor Wesch meant with Digital Ethnography. But clearly the demo’s pinnacle is the Notre Dame Cathedral shown from any angle using only images from Flickr.

Thanks to Techlife reader and contributor Dave for sending this in, and his comment “looks like this guy built ‘Minority Report’ is spot on.” If you have something interesting send it to reviewme [at] dkworldwide [dot] com.

Note: The video is incorrectly titled “Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos Photosynth”, the first thing he says is, “This is SeaDragon.”

Note 2:  Techlife TV is part of Chime.tv and they have a whole TED series.

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Google Docs and Spreadsheets new main interface

Techlife logged into Google Docs and found a brand new interface. We have been using online collaborative word processing and spreadsheets more and more with clients and among the staff, so this was a nice find.

Google Docs has changed a lot since we last wrote about them. But the recent few changes have really put some polish on these tools.

Two of the newest changes are:

  • Looking pretty – The entire document list has been given a complete visual overhaul – new icons, more content, and better organizational controls. We know users spend a lot of time here and we aim to make it feel more like home.
  • Getting organized – Almost from the day we launched people have been clamoring for folders. They’re here! Even cooler, our new folders continue to work like the tags they’ve replaced – your old tags are automatically converted to folders and documents can live in more than one folder at a time. Organizing your documents is as easy as dragging and dropping a document to a folder. We’ve also included special controls for seeing only those documents created by you or shared with a particular person.

I also like the “drag and drop” interface that we are already comfortable using in a desktop interface for managing the documents on the main page. Google has cleaned up the ease of using the site. The added some new search technology (wonder where they thought of that!)

Google Spreadsheets now with charts and graphs - Pie, Bar, Scatter and more

Previously the Google Docs team did added snazzy chart support in Spreadsheets. Check out the ease of creating and maintaining your pie, bar, scatter and more types of charts and graphs.

So Google Docs is “Getting Better All the Time” as The Beatles sang.

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Robot Chicken Star Wars - TitleAs a new television channel owner we are experimenting with our programming, and our promos. We are excited to share Star Wars Robot Chicken on Techlife TV. This is the full 26 minutes, including some pre-roll with Seth Green and his team, as they introduce each segment. We had recently covered Star Wars news that George Lucas is thinking about some new Star Wars movies. I am glad he not only put his weight behind the Robot Chicken project but was willing to appear as himself in it.

After you watch the show, there is a lot chatter to read about the show on review sites like Hot Air, The Movie Blog and even Crunch Gear getting in a review. But The Force.net had the best scoop, commentary from the producers about every skit in Robot Chicken Star Wars show. Well worth watching if you liked the show.

Robot Chicken Star Wars - Han SoloOverall: If you like Star Wars as much as these writers do, then all the jokes from Admiral Ackbar cereal to Yo Mama throwdown to the Cantina are really well done. Robot Chicken is a stop-motion, comedy sketch show with reference to many nostalgic toys and shows and airs on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. It is in its third season. Did you like it? What was your favorite sketch? Let us know in the comments.

Thanks to our reader Dan for sending this. If you find something email us at reviewme [at] dkworldwide [dot] com.

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Reading by Christine RondeauTechlife has had a busy month with client meetings, late nights, more client meetings, building websites, designing all matter of printed materials and developing software. You might say the day job has been “paying the bills.” That resulted in two interesting things occurring. First, again this month more clients contacted us wanting blogs to add to their website and in me seeking some relaxation where I could find it, with online video. We also have last month’s “Who’s Your Daddy?” Geni contest winners listed online.

I started relaxing with John X. Lewis, who’s pop song Love 2.0 was published in a great video. Shortly after finding John’s video I was really excited that I could program my own online television channel with Chime.tv.

(the lead-in for the July column)

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Need to get email on your cell phone?  Frustrated with your current web host’s customer service?  Paying to much for your employees email?   Time to get professional email and hosting. Sit down with the marketing and technology vision of a proven “venture strategist”. Dave Kaufman wants to meet your business and organization, all it takes is an invitation. Did you know that Dave provides email and web hosting to customers of all sizes? Ask him about it. Contact Dave, it’s easy: techlife [at] dkworldwide [dot] com.

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Business Notepad 2 by Steve WoodsHow can you control your company’s content? Can you easily get the word out about your new product or service? Can technology really save money? Want your company’s website to shimmer with new links and a new look too? Will technology improve my day to day? Talk to us, we can help. Hit me via email at: techlife [ at ] dkworldwide [dot] com. The last few months we have had twenty plus links per column. New this month, we are cutting it down in the print edition to just a few. To see all the links, and not re-type them make it easy on yourself, visit the TechLife weblog where all you need to do is point and click.(part of the syndicated print column’s writing process exposed to online readers)

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Geni.com LogoThanks to all our entrants in the Techlife contest. Congratulations to Richard, Linda and Caroline for winning Techlife’s Un-official: Who’s your daddy? Geni Contest. Thanks to Geni for supplying the prizes for our winners. Keep reading and commenting. Your comments make it more interesting for everybody. Will we have another contest soon? Keep reading to find out.

Thinking about a contest? Got some neat product or swag? Techlife is always interested, contact us at contests [at] dkworldwide [dot] com.

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books, books by Sanja Gjenero

Techlife 1
It’s official, I just completed my first entire book via email, thanks to Daily Lit. Daily Lit is a favorite of Techlife, allowing readers to be sent small pieces of books via email on a schedule for free. We paused our novel when the workload got heavy and then resumed after sometime. It’s on to book two, which is only about 1/3 the size.

Daily Lit 1+

The day we finished our first book, the folks at Daily Lit also released a bunch of new features worth mentioning. Email length can be controlled to offer longer installments. The schedule can be a little less “daily”, with options for once a week. For our French and Italian readers new books are going up in these languages and a new RSS feed for “new books” is available.

They have released a few other features, such as subscribe via RSS instead of email and a “what I’m reading” tool, called a Book Roll. They also have added a variety of other written words, such as poetry and books released in the creative commons.

Finally don’t feel bad about stopping a book, or only having read a few so far. Albert who maintains the Daily Lit blog, has only completed 2 and is working on his third. Remember this is not about speed, but about enjoying stories that have shaped the world we live in and influence a lot of the other art, movies, television and video games we see today.

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Chime.tv's player screen allows you to easily navigate videos in many genres.

Have you ever wanted to program your own tv station? Now you can. Chime.tv, is the creation of Chirag Mehta and Taylor McKnight. The premise is simple, make video sites like Blip TV, Break.com, Daily Motion, Google Video, MetaCafe, MySpace, Veoh, & YouTube all available in one place.

Chime.tv Logo Chime.tv added a few other bells and whistles, such as the ability to create and program your own channel. Here is Techlife TV, a channel composed of videos we have blogged and others that Chime.tv helped us find.

They also have created a television like experience with videos grouped by subject matter, which is nice for finding what you want quickly and easily. Of course Chime.tv’s powerful search tools also make it easy to find very specific videos by subject or all the videos from a single website. (though it should let you create a channel from your search easily. feature request)

Thanks to Chime.tv I saw a lot of video that was entertaining and informative and just what I was looking for in web video service. Be sure to check out the video of a cell phone salesman singing Nessun Dorma, an opera, on Britain’s “You’ve Got Talent with Simon Cowell.” It was really amazing. If you find any great videos or make a great Chime.tv channel post here so we can all watch.

Overall: Chime.tv makes video easy and television like. It is a sure winner. Bookmark it.

Thanks to Techcrunch for the original

Got a site in beta that you want reviewed? Find a site that would make other Techlife readers happy or productive. Email us at reviewme [at] dkworldwide [dot] com.

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John X. Lewis, a talented musician posted this song, Love 2.0 to YouTube. I really like John’s masterful pop sound, and the creative lyrics. While the video gives visual clue to some of the bigger technology references, some of the smaller ones are just as creative. Techlife readers will appreciate the nod to various sites you like to visit and technologies you use everyday. If you have a question about any of them, please post it here and we can review that technology in an upcoming post.

My request to John is to offer up his songs as MP3s, thanks your new fan.

One more video after the jump.

Thanks to Valleywag for the post.